Every limited corporation in the United Kingdom is required to produce annual accounts. You are not required to file full accounts if your firm is dormant (not trading), but you are obligated to file dormant company accounts.
Regardless of whether the company was formed using our website, Companyformation365 offers a dormant account filing service for limited companies. If we receive the information we need in a timely manner, the procedure should take no more than 24 hours (1 working day).
Our Dormant Company Accounts Service will set you back £49.99 + VAT.
How it works is as follows:
- Select the ‘Order' option from the drop-down menu.
- Fill in the essential information and check out.
- In order to submit the accounts, you will receive an email with a short questionnaire.
- Simply reply to the email with your responses to the questions.
- If we get the needed information, we will register your dormant business accounts with Companies House within 1 working day of purchase.
- When Companies House accepts the accounts, we'll send you an email.
- This service is available for an annual fee of £49.99 plus VAT.
What does our price include?
- Form AA02 dormant company accounts must be completed and filed (DCA)
- Customers who have a filing deadline approaching will appreciate the quick turnaround.
- Companies House Full Company Secretary Service confirms that the accounts have been accepted.
Order - Your Dormant Company Account - £49.99 + VAT
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the definition of a dormant company?
A dormant company is a new firm that has not begun trading or a company that has not traded during the current financial year, i.e. it has had "no substantial accounting transactions."
What is a substantial accounting transaction, exactly?
A company can be classified as dormant if it has had no significant accounting transactions during the financial year; however, if it has settled an invoice, paid bank charges, bank interest, paid employees, or paid dividends to shareholders, it will lose its dormant status, as these are all examples of significant accounting transactions.
Payment for shares issued at the time of incorporation, late filing fines, and filing costs paid to Companies House are all exceptions to the rule.
What are Dormant Company Accounts sounds like?
Companies that have been declared dormant must simply file a reduced form of accounts with Companies House. These streamlined accounts are referred to as inactive company accounts, and they offer a significant benefit by removing the statutory burden of filing profit and loss accounts and a director's report.
Is it necessary for me to file accounts on a regular basis?
At least once every 12 months, accounts must be filed with Companies House.
What information is needed to file accounts for an inactive business?
If you founded your business through our website, all we need is your company name and number, as well as whether your shares are paid or unpaid, that is, have the shareholders paid the company for the shares given to them?
If you did not register your company through our website, we will need your company name and number, webfiling authentication code, paid or unpaid shares, and one director's name.
How much time does it take?
Preparing and filing dormant company accounts with Companies House takes 24 hours (1 working day) (subject to having the webfiling authentication code and other required information). We recommend ordering the service at least three days before the deadline.
Please note that if your order was not filed at least 3 working days prior to the due date, we cannot be held liable for any late filing fees or fines.
Who is eligible to use this service?
Limited Liability Partnerships are not eligible for this service.
Please note that if your order was not filed at least 3 working days prior to the due date, we cannot be held liable for any late filing fees or fines.